
APRIL 2024

ERCI is hiring seasonal field archaeologists. Most of our work is on the west side of Washington State, from Olympia north to the Canadian Border—including the islands. On the occasions that we do travel overnight for work we stay in paid for motels and provide per diem. The bulk of the work we do is subsurface survey and construction or geotechnical monitoring.

We are hiring crew supervisors and field crew. We prefer a BA for the field crew and an MA for supervisors. If your degree is not in anthropology with archaeology as your focus, we will still consider you. If you have not been able to get a field school, we will still consider you.

Starting wage is $20.00 for crew members and $25.00 for crew supervisors. We are a team of individuals who value continual learning, fostering a positive work environment, and we take pride in producing high quality work. Send in a resume or letter of interest – do not assume you are under qualified – send in that resume. We want to meet everyone! If we can use you on a project we will or we will keep you on our on-call list for the rest of this season. These seasonal positions always have the possibility of becoming permanent positions.

Send your resume to kelrbush@equinoxerci.com with “Season Work” in the subject line.

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